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04 Audiovisual translation and Accessibility

Since its inception, Interpunct has specialised in audio-visual translation in both subtitling and dubbing.


We work with national and regional studios and TV channels, translating, subtitling and adapting films and series for dubbing.

To obtain high- quality subtitles they must be adapted to a comfortable reading speed. Very fast or too slow subtitles affect negatively the viewer's experience. In addition to reading speed, we also take into account factors such as film shots and dialogue pace when fragmenting texts. 

With the dubbing translation service we include the creation of dubbing scripts and the adjustment of the texts to the mouth of the characters. Therefore, we leave the script ready to be used in the studio and for the dubbing actors to put their voices to the characters.

Since 2009 we have translated hundreds of short films, programmes, series, fiction and animation films, both for adults and children.
As for the accessibility service, Interpunct is the only audio-visual translation company that offers comprehensive accessibility services in the Valencian language.


Interpunct Translations


1. Sign language

This service consists of two sign language interpreters who are present at the site of the event and take turns signing everything that is communicated during the event.


2. Subtitling for the hearing impaired

Subtitling for the deaf, in addition to informing the hearing-impaired public of what is being said, also includes everything that cannot be perceived by a deaf audience: how things are said (tone of voice), who says it, as well as other non-linguistic sounds (background noises, songs and music).
For the subtitling service for the deaf, we follow the UNE 153010:2012 recommendations.


3. Stenotyping

Stenotyping is a fast writing method that allows the spoken language to be transcribed and converted into subtitles at the same time as the speaker is speaking. To do this, a stenotype machine is used (a syllabic keyboard) connected to a projector, and a stenographer (present at the place of the event or connected via the Internet), is typing the speech live to create subtitles.
Today, stenotyping the most effective method for the production of live subtitles, both for the speed with which subtitles are created and for the quality of the result.


4. Live Subtitling

It is a similar to stenotyping but it uses an ordinary keyboard, so the creation of subtitles is slower but it is more affordable


5. Re-Speaking

Re-Speaking allows you to create live subtitles and project them directly on the screen.

The subtitler or re-speaker listens to the original voice and dictates the content to a software, repeating or reformulating what is heard, including punctuation. What the re-speaker says appears on the screen as subtitles with minimal time delay.


6. Magnetic loop

A magnetic or induction loop is a sound system that transforms the audio signal we can all hear into a magnetic field that can be picked up by T-positioned hearing aids.
These hearing aids have a coil that transforms that magnetic field back into sound inside the user's ear, isolated from reverberations and background noise. The result is that the user receives clean, neat, perfectly intelligible sound with adequate volume.
All adapted places must be marked with the blue ear icon and the letter "T" so that the user knows of its existence and proceeds to choose the position "T" of his hearing aid. This will begin to receive the audio signal through the loop.


7. Audiodescription for the blind

Audiodescription is a relatively new practice aimed at blind or visually impaired people that consists in using the pauses and silences of the soundtrack of any audio-visual product (TV programme, film, play, etc.) to add comments that help the visually impaired person to better understand the text by describing the action or place in which it takes place in the scene, the characteristics of the characters, their costumes, body language and facial expressions.


8. Easy reading

We use "easy reading" to refer to those texts that have been summarized and written with simple and clear language so that they can be understood by people with cognitive or intellectual disabilities. The use of simple and clear language should not be confused with the use of child talk or colloquial language. The essential feature is that the information is not confusing and that it is well structured.


9. Pictograms

A pictogram is a sign that schematically represents a symbol, real object or figure. It is the name given to signs in alphabetical systems based on significant drawings. A pictogram should be entirely understandable with only three glances. In the design of a pictogram all superfluous details should be deleted.


10. Accessible signage

Signage is very present in our daily lives. It aims at guiding and informing the person who perceives it, usually through sight. 
In accessible signage, information must be concise, basic and simple. Whenever possible, it should include the visual and tactile format (Braille and embossed macro-characters) and be located in the ergonomic scanning area. 


11. Training in accessibility to communication

The implementation of accessibility measures is a clearly legislated process since the LISMI Law of 1982, and since then there has been much progress in this direction, mainly in the urban and architectural area. 
Regulated accessibility measures have more to do with transports than with communication and therefore it has not been fully implemented in the public nor the private sector. In this sense, we offer training courses for public and private workers who are in charge of communication or dealing with the customer face to face.


12. Accomplishment of integral projects in Communication

For large public and private space projects, such as shopping centres, train stations, airports, etc. that want to offer total or partial accessibility to users in signage, video projections, ads, apps, etc.








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